
New here, just like many others, hehe. I'm from Sweden and have always liked long hair, my hair is naturally strawberry blonde (or red-blonde). When I was a kid my mom used to cut my hair in a bob hairstyle, but I hated every moment of it and from when I could decide on my own (and she actually listened) I've grown out my hair. First I didn't understand how to take care of my hair and thus around my mid-teenage years I ended up with waist-long, damaged hair, and I had to cut off about 11 inches (30 cm) to get rid of the damage. Around the same time I started having issues with scalp eczema (SD) due to excessive use of hair spray so I have since started to try and find my way through the jungle that is shampoo and conditioners to find ones that fit my hair (and scalp).

Today I have about 26 inches (68 cm) long hair (a bit below BSL) and have started giving up on normal, grocery store kinds of shampoo/conditioner and have gotten into organic ones that at least doesn't worsen my condition and helps my hair. My aim right now is to get my hair to waist length and try to make peace with my scalp. I've currently not cut my hair for over a year and this time it seems to be in a much better condition than last time I grew it out.

I hope to find lots of tips and tricks to healthy hair (and scalp) here! (And find some help for my BF's shoulder-length, damaged hair since he doesn't know how to take care of it.. )