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Thread: Hello from OK!

  1. #1

    Default Hello from OK!

    A friend sent me a link to the board yesterday and I spent most of last night browsing through the forums I could see. There is so much great information here, and since I'm trying to grow my hair out again, I'm going to make use of it! When I cut it 7 years ago to donate to Locks of Love, it was almost classic length. I spent about 5 years playing with different cuts and colors... until I saw a picture of myself before it was cut and realized I miss my long hair. It was about shoulder length two years ago and it's roughly bsl now, with long layers that I am currently growing out.

    I'm not entirely sure whether I fall under a 2a or 2b, as in the visual typing guide, the 2a looks just as wavy as the 2b to me. I have very fine hair and TONS of it. Every person who has ever cut or dyed my hair remarked on how much of it I have. It tangles like crazy if I leave it down - imagine tons of baby fine wavy hair in the Oklahoma wind. Ouch! I don't dry my hair very often, and almost never straighten or curl it.

    There's a picture of my hair today (after s&c, air dried, uncombed and somewhat wind-blown) at this link:

    Can't wait to dig in deeper on the forums!

  2. #2
    ~BleachedGuru~ justgreen's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Paradise Garage

    Default Re: Hello from OK!

    Hi and welcome to the boards! Very pretty hair you have there. I love the layers. I'm a fan of them myself. I'm also originally from Oklahoma, lived there over 30 years from age 12 until age 42. Have fun reading and growing!
    Callie sez *meep*
    justgreen judiciously journals
    Lady Emeralde Justyce in the Order of the Long Hair Knights

  3. #3
    Member MaryO's Avatar
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    South Africa

    Default Re: Hello from OK!

    Hi, welcome to LHC from another newbie. You're not really new to long hair- just to the forum! ;-P

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hello from OK!

    Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

    Where did you live in OK, justgreen? And how did you manage to get out and stay gone?! It seems to me that when folks live here, the red dirt gets into their blood and keeps 'em coming back. Lol!

  5. #5
    Member jessicac1's Avatar
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    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Hello from OK!

    Welcome from another newbie
    Good luck on your hair journey It looks lovely! At least you know it is possible for your hair to reach classic length so its just playing the waiting game

  6. #6
    ~BleachedGuru~ justgreen's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    Paradise Garage


    Quote Originally Posted by waywardgypsy View Post
    Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

    Where did you live in OK, justgreen? And how did you manage to get out and stay gone?! It seems to me that when folks live here, the red dirt gets into their blood and keeps 'em coming back. Lol!

    I lived in Tulsa. My three daughters still live there. My father moved south and bought a house in Checotah after my mom passed. I've been living in Wyoming for ten years and loving it.

    I hope you stay around and become friends with us, it's what we do best, even before the long hair growing thingy. You'll also discover that most of us don't like Locks of Love. They do not keep all the hair that is donated (they only keep about 40% I believe) and what they do keep is made into wigs and sold. Children with cancer that lose their air wear synthetic hair wigs as human hair is just too heavy and hot. And most women I've known that lose their hair either rock that bald head or wear bandanas and turbans, they cannot take the heat either. My mom was one. If I was ever going to cut and sell my hair , I'd sell it myself and give the money to the Cancer Fund.

    I hope you realize I wasn't jumping on you about selling to LoL, just letting you know what we've researched and our mindset about it. We want you to stay a long time.
    Last edited by justgreen; August 24th, 2012 at 09:27 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hello from OK!

    Quote Originally Posted by justgreen View Post
    You'll also discover that most of us don't like Locks of Love. They do not keep all the hair that is donated (they only keep about 40% I believe) and what they do keep is made into wigs and sold.


    I hope you realize I wasn't jumping on you about selling to LoL, just letting you know what we've researched and our mindset about it. We want you to stay a long time.

    I totally get it! I found out about what LoL really does with the hair they receive shortly after I donated, through a friend of mine. By that point it was too late to do anything tho', so I just told myself that I'd never do it again... should I ever have long hair to donate/sell.

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