Quote Originally Posted by Garnetgem View Post
Hello and welcome to LHC and i too am recovering from mould sickness,we lived in a mould infested house for 16 years unaware of its dangers like your landlord ours is hopeless,and yes we have stayed but cleaned it up best we can using mould paint all sorts of stuff(unable to move at moment).only thing that's helped are dehumidifiers as my mum was wheezing due to the mould,

recovery is a slow process with mould sickness and hair suffers my mum lost handfulls so did i too and at that time i had knee length so i understand how you feel,have you tried activated charcoal? as it helps you get it out of your system sooner we are about to try it,as for matted hair i use olive oil as i did get terrible tangles after a big shedding it really helped,

glad your out of there and i hope you have a good recovery..
Thank you, I'm really sorry to hear you are going through the same thing, it's awful what it does to your health

I haven't tried olive oil yet, but it's what I'm going to try next, I'm glad it worked on your hair I have heard of the activated charcoal but not tried it myself, from what I read it's really good and you can take it orally or put bags of them around the house - apparently this will contain all the invisible mould spores that will be floating around in the air in the home.
I hope it works well for you and your mum and if your landlord won't take action you could take it further, there's a really good charity called Shelter who will help guide you in the right direction, you can phone them or speak to them online - I think you can report it the council / enviromental health etc (sorry I'm not 100% sure which), but they will order your landlord to carry out the repairs and if he doesn't they can do the work themselves and bill the landlord for it.