OK IM LOST AND CONFUSED NOW LOL. I cant find the origional monistat thread. And im thinking this is something i should try because my hair is soo thin (because of meds, polycistic ovary disease, panic attacks, and chronic stress). Please help me find that thread. HOW do you do this? how to apply it etc. thanks, im retarded at times LOL
Babyfine and superrrrr thin. Growing long anyway!
Lady Kan-Yu, Lawspeaker of Heaven and Earth in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
do you put it on dry hair? and then just wash it out in the morning right? Im gonna give this a try. My hair is really thin on top due to meds, stress and other health problems. im willing to give ANYTHING a try at this point.
I do the same as girlcat but I put mine on wet hair, as i find it easier as hair is more piecy so I get the scalp and not my hair!
*Girlcat' My mum got the monistat 4% from a chemist and she thinks it cost $8 ish, but she had to ask for it behind the counter. so starting on the 4% tomorrow!
Buzz October 2015 to get rid of bendigo and lots of other damage, now Al natural and loving it....where will my journey end? I will tell you when I get there. Lifelong Co washer and LOC method currentl approaching curly hip
Woohoo! I've finally read through this whole thread AND the old LHC site's one! Whoa, I feel like I've read a very long book.
OK, so I'm going through a major growth slow-down over the past few months (I've been stuck around 27" now for two months running) and am now willing to jump on this bandwagon after reading a LOT about it. I do know that I am going to need to at least start off using a water-diluted version because of my migraine vulnerability, but it sounds like people are still getting good results using it diluted.
One question for those in the UK: where are you finding the application bottles? I've found that I can't find anything like that in Boots. Any suggestions?
And finally, I think I may not be able to start until 2 weeks from today because I've got to do a cassia treatment tonight and then my dad is in town for 12 days and I may not be able to hog our only bathroom for long enough to apply. But I've gotten some of the Daktarin cream now and will apply at my first opportunity.
First Goal: BSL
Second Goal: Waist Length
Third Goal: Classic Length
Babyfine and superrrrr thin. Growing long anyway!
Lady Kan-Yu, Lawspeaker of Heaven and Earth in the Order of the Long Haired Knights
The original thread is in the archives on the first page of the main forum... link is below, hopefully linking to the archives will work and the original thread was called: Using Monistat, Holy Moly...growth so fast it's scary!
Last edited by wintersun99; July 2nd, 2008 at 01:29 PM. Reason: sp
nope, this was mentioned before (but I can't remember if it was on the original thread, or on this thread...) I haven't noticed longer/stronger fingernails but I have noticed my cuticles are peeling... not sure that has anything to do with the MN though I have started to ensure that I oil my cuticles now... curious