Henna only will definitely give you something close to this color but..... If your natural hair is brown then it will only darken it. Some people lighten their roots with sun in then henna on top to achieve a redder color. The more you apply henna the darker your hair will get, but I don't think it will get that cherry cola color that you hate without adding indigo. I tried that once and I looked terrible (as in my avatar) I am naturally a strawberry blond. That is gone now and I try to keep it as light as possible. I use any henna I can get my hands on and never really had a problem and I don't see why you need a high Lawson content henna if you don't want it to be really dark. Every application will get your hair darker whoever henna you use, it just might darken faster with Rajastani henna. Hope I was able to answer some of your questionshappy henna