Hello people!
hope somebody else didn't already talk about this, I'm gonna excuse in advance if this is the case.
I'm looking for your opinion about something regarding brushes and their actual gentleness on our hair.
I have been reflecting for a while about the Tangle Teezer and other similar brushes. In particular, I've been reflecting about their bristles: the thin, slim, pointed kind of bristles that they carry. So, any brush of this kind will be the subject matter for this discussion.
So....I'm not really convinced that brushing our hair with those bristles is actually good on our hair. Don't you think that these slim, sharp bristles may actually be a little harsh on the surface of our hair?
I mean, if you look at them, they really are very thin and sharp...I'm starting to think that by being like that, they may be scratching and damaging the surface of the hair, leading to micro slashes or incisions on the hair shaft that will weaken our hair, and create split ends...
Did anybody else here think about it already? do you think that this happens?
Shouldn't it be much better if we only used brushes with large bristles that are too big to do any actual damage to the hair shaft? or do you think that, despite the bristles being sharp, they will never do anything bad?
I am here, waiting for you points of view