So this post is pretty much me just complaining about my oily hair, with hopes that some of you could give me some input about what to try next. I'll begin with a general hair-history. But, long-story-short, what are some tips for stretching washes?

For as long as I can remember, I've washed my hair every other day. On wash days, after showering, it was nice and clean, and then the best on the next day, then by the next wash day, it was disgustingly oily, like 0 to 100 in 3 seconds (or 3 days). A few years ago, I ditched the conditioner because I realized that dry hair was not a problem of mine. A couple years ago, I tried WO for about 5 months, then gave up. When I returned to shampooing, I wasn't greasy until day 5, which was amazing. Then, I decided to give WO another shot, and I only went about a month before giving up because my hair is just too greasy, and the WO washes weren't doing a single thing for me. When I returned to using shampoo, I somehow regressed to getting greasy on day 3. Now that I've been shampooing, I get greasy on day 2. (note: I also occasionally get rashes on my scalp. It hasn't gotten bad since my initial WO attempt, so I haven't brought it up to my dermatologist)

I've grown to accept now that my hair just hates me and will make me look like a hippie who never showers, but my end goal is to only have to shampoo once a week. I currently switch between Shea Moisture's Moisturizing Shampoo, Mill Creek's Normalizing Shampoo, and Desert Essence's Clarifying for Oily Hair shampoo (all of which are natural), and I get greasy by day 2-3. I use cornstarch + essential oils for dry shampoo, but it really doesn't do much for me. I used to wash once a week, dry shampooing by day 3, then I got sick of no results from that, shortened it to washing it by day 4, then it got even more oily, then shortened it to day 3, it got worse, now day 2. I've also been noticing more hair loss than I'm used to, and my hair is really thin. I trimmed off 2-3 inches a week ago, and it somehow made my ends more thin, and I think I can trace my new development of acne to my greasy bangs touching my face. So pretty my hair is making me overall less attractive all because I was trying to do it a favor.

Thanks for reading, and, as mentioned at the start of the post, what tips do you have on stretching showers? I've tried going from 2 days, to 3, to 4, so on, but my hair just isn't hesitant to get greasy fast. Is it even possible, or could it just be a thing that my hair will always get greasy fast and continue to hate me?