Hi everyone!
I'm Cassandra and I hesitated ever joining because I thought my hair wasn't long enough or good enough. But now that my hair is pushing waist length, I guess I can't really think that anymore.
Going by the hair typing guide, I think I'm somewhere between a 1c/2a, F/M, and from measuring my ponytail today I'm a solid ii at 3/3.5 inches.

I dye my hair blue, previously it was white/silver. It's currently somewhere between mid back length and waist length, but I've included a pretty picture from the last time I was at the salon (about 10 weeks ago). I never ever heat style my hair, I don't even have a blow drier in my house. The only person who gets to touch it with heat is my hair stylist and even then I borderline bully her about being gentle with it.
I'm quite boring with my hair, I keep it pulled back in a single braid 99% of the time. Before I knew it was a challenge, I made the correlation that my hair would probably be able to grow better if I kept it pulled back and protected. Two years later I've gone from hair that always seemed to be hovering just above BSL to where it is now.

My goal length is lower back length, using technical terms. Using un-technical terms, I want Amy Lee's hair from the "Fallen" era (youtube Evanescence's Rock Am Ring 2003 performance and my looorrrrrdd that ponytail *_*).

I'm so happy to be here with all of you!