My hair is not tangle prone at all as itīs stick straight and medium thick. So, Iīm sorry catfish that I can not say if egg washing is improving for that aspect or not. For me it stayed the same > not tangling.
Chamomile and ascorbic acid rinse has very simple reasons. Lemons are reported to be drying, they are expensive here and most times you would not find them in my house. Ascorbic acid is something I always have at home for my animals and me when dealing with a cold. It has no scent and is very easy to dose exact.
Chamomile is because itīs a skin safe herb and is even supporting a healthy scalp and of course I like the smell, but it disappears as soon as my hair is dry. I think it also gives my hair a slight golden shine which supports the copper tone I like, but thatīs very subtle and could also be wishful thinking . Something I also like is birchleaf tea (not recommended for blond hair) as a rinse base, when my scalp is dry and a little more flaky in winter. It smells very "green and herby" though.
In general my experience was that herb rinses do not do much for my hair, except subtly changing itīs colour sometimes... hibiscus gave me lilac-auburn which looked hideous with my skin tone. So I tend to choose herb teas for rinses after their effects on the skin. Happy scalp = happy growing.
The only "conditioning" I sometimes need these days is oil for the very last tips of my hair... about past classic. And about every other month I do a yogurt deep treatment, but itīs not really necessary more some sort of habit from the sulphate days. So depending on how stressed you hair is, itīs possible that you do not need much conditioning with this washing method.