Welcome to the community! I have a little advice to give on the subject of “no protective styles”, I did this for about two years and it was not bad at all. leave-in conditioner, deep conditioning every wash, and hair oils (olive oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, even coconut oil (is best before washing), and sunflower seed oil) will be your best friend. Also keeping your hair in stretched styles will help with split ends/fairy knots, if you keep it curly just twist the ends to keep the hair from tangling at night and use a bonnet or satin pillowcase (I’m sure you know, lol). I personally grew tired of this after two years but my hair grew like a weed, I went from barely APL to full BSL. So, best of luck on your journey!

Curl pattern: 3c/4a
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black (1b)
Density: Medium
Hair Texture: Medium/Fine
Current length: 34 inches (hairline to ends)
Ultimate Goal Length: 60 inches (full knee length)