Hi everyone, I will start with some context. My hair is straight, fine stranded, medium thickness and I grew it easily and quite quickly to thigh length before I cut it years ago (I'm back on my journey and already near hip again!).

I didn't use oil on my hair much when i grew it before - I didn't feel like it did much so usually just shampooed and conditioned and wore it up most of the time, and even used a fine comb to detangle while wet, until dry... ouch!

These days, for the past few months or so, I have been consistently heavily applying almond or olive oil to my lengths (and a little massaged into my scalp) before washing as usual with shampoo.

Now, I have heard some people washing their hair extra when they apply oil, as if the shampoo doesn't wash it out enough. But when I shampoo as usual, my hair seems very happy and I can't imagine washing any more oil out of it. And I only massage shampoo into my scalp, never my lengths. My ends seem happier than ever.

My hair didn't seem very dry to me back in the day, but the quality of it seems to be ever-improving nowadays. The colour has become much more rich and golden rather than a little light and "see-through" as it was before. It is a little heavier after it dries too, which is good because my ends don't feel so fragile and flyaway.

Do you think I actually had dry hair before? Even though I hardly got any split ends and grew it to thigh length? I thought dry hair was brittle, and my hair is definitely super baby fine so you would think it would break very easily if it became dry? But I really had almost no split ends, and it looked good, albeit perhaps with a little static/frizziness. Today my hair seems to eat up oil and if washing only once is leaving oil residue in my hair, it seems to be helping rather than causing problems.

Thanks for any of your experiences!