Quote Originally Posted by eaglefeather71 View Post
Thanks for the detailed reply! I love hearing about everyone's routines, because I'm still (after a year) trying to find a routine and stick with it. Do you have issues getting the powders out of your hair doing it that way? Do you end up rinsing forever?

This last time, I pre-oiled with the Jasmine Oil, but didn't post oil while still damp like I usually do, in the hopes of cutting down on the oilyness. But now I have STATIC galore!

Does anyone else notice a lot of static while using Soapnuts or other Indian Herbs? Any natural ways of overcoming it? It's very irritating, especially with bangs and fringe. I have tried using a spray bottle with water and a tad of jasmne oil to see if that helps, which it does but only while still damp. As soon as I brush again I'm full of static. I know it would seem that the brushing is the cause, but I have always been a brusher and the static has only started since using the Soapnuts. Hmm.
I have no trouble rinsing out the herbs, they wash right out. But my hair is very fine and thin, not much to stick to!
I haven't had any problem with static either, in fact, that's one of the reasons I like the routine so much, no static, no frizz. I think it has something to do with the pre-oil. It also probably has something to do with where you live and the weather.