How long does it take for your hair to dry naturally without a blowdryer? For me, it all depends on the type of water that is on my hair. If I've been swimming in the ocean, my hair can literally be dry in like just 10 minutes, the salt content really dries out my hair! If I've been at the pool, well I shower right after but I notice even after I shower off the chlorine still dries my hair a lot faster than on days I have not been swimming. I will always do a CO after a swim and also every night. It takes about half an hour for my hair to stop dripping, then it will stay damp for over 3 hours before it fully dries, so it takes about 4 hours total to dry my hair.

In the winter, it could take actually over 5 hours for my hair to dry naturally. This is the season where I will actually blow dry just enough so that I speed up the process. I will almost always air-dry during the spring and summer unless I'm purposely blow styling my hair.