Quote Originally Posted by Dianyla View Post
I'm starting to believe that our Hamsters are actually the rare breed of Tennessee Fainting Hamsters. At the slightest startle, they all seem to collapse, and yet they nearly always reanimate and keep plunking along.

Donations are certainly welcome by Steph, who pays all the bills 'round here. And if there's anyone out there who could give me a 26 hour day, please do!
Tennessee Fainting Hamsters! Eep! I knew we shoulda switched to chinchillas.

I made a donation a couple of weeks ago, but I don't know about a 26 hour day I'll have to see if I have one laying around...

MandyBeth, that made me laugh. Hamsters, look at what happened to MandyBeth's state!! If it can happen to people, it can happen to hamsters!