I've been hairstick-less for the last year or so. The cheapo hairsticks I bought from Claire's broke within a month or two, and I can't bring myself to pay full price for the super nice ones I see online (though I would looooove a nice hair fork).

So I've been using (I'm embarrassed to admit) pencils and pens as hair sticks. But the other day I was in Joann's Fabrics and saw these 7" knitting needles, the kind that are pointy on both ends. There were these skinny metal ones, a package of 3 or 4 for $3.99, and then there were bamboo ones, four for $8. I like the look of them--simple and low-key--and they would be kinder to my hair than the pencils and pens I've been using (which snag my hair), and best of all, they would be dirt cheap.

Only question I have is whether or not they would be strong enough. I don't know if they would be any stronger than the Claire's hairsticks which snapped on me. And I'm a little worried that the skinny metal ones would slip right out.

Has anyone used knitting needles as hairsticks? Did they work? Were they strong enough? What kind of hair do you have? (Mine is between tailbone and classic, straight, not particularly thick. I use hairsticks for inside-out buns and knot buns)

I suppose I could just try them and see--if they didn't work, it's not like I would be out a lot of money. But before I buy them, I thought it would be worth a try to stop by here and see if anyone else had any thoughts.
