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Thread: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

  1. #21
    Member Chanterelle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    browndaisiesI honestly think your haircut is pretty cool and you're very cute, too. I can see how you may dislike the look from the back but just in a few weeks hair will grow enough to cover the spot where it was shaved off. If you want to keep stylish look while your hair is growing I would suggest getting small trims every 3 months.

    I feel for you - I've been groing my hair from a multi-coloured eccentric assymmentrical haircut.

  2. #22
    Hiding in plain sight spidermom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    I'm sorry if I'm repeating anything. I haven't read all of the other replies.

    First thing to do is give your scissors to somebody else for safe-keeping. Then if you need them for something like sewing, tie your hair up in a pretty scarf or something before you ask to use the scissors.

    Grow your hair for as long as you can, and when you just can't stand it anymore, go to a hair stylist and ask for a 1/2-inch trim off the very bottom to even things out. Stress that you are growing your hair out and will be very unhappy if she/he cuts more than 1/2 inch. Then pay attention because sometimes stylists space out or something and cut too much. Don't allow that to happen.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Hi, again. Thank you for commenting and for posting pictures. You are such a cute girl! You don't look like a boy at all, I pinky swear!

    The good news is, it looks much better in photos than what you described...Don't be so hard on yourself, and I like what SM suggested, as far as handing over your scissors for safe keeping...Not more emotional cuts. I think they are making you feel worse more than better.

    If I were you, let it grow out while maintaining the shape. This style can easily transition to a bob and you can grow out from there. If the top is driving you bonkers in the "in-between" stage, get some headbands or some cute little clips or something similar to push them back...Hey, sunglasses look good too.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Hi welcome, I didnt read any of the other replies but I did check out the pictures. I myself am a recovering hair cutting addict. I say just start popping some BIOTIN pills and grow it out from how it is, trim if you need to later after it starts growing out and has some length to it. and decide then if you think its growing out and looking too choppy, you never know it might look good, Stick around here and, you'll learn some interesting things and im sure your hair will thank you over time ♥

  5. #25
    Ficcare Librarian Islandgrrl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Hi Emma! Welcome!!!

    First, I don't think that your hair looks anywhere near as horrid as you described. I was prepared for some seriously heinous hair in the pictures. And I was relieved!

    It's totally possible to get your hair long and exactly the way you want it. Some of us have started from points much shorter (myself included). There are a couple of things to think about:

    1. Say NO, NO, NO to the scissors. Hide them, give them away, THROW THEM AWAY if you need to. For a good chunk of time. Like a year.

    2. Patience. This is, in my opinion, the biggest obstacle to having the hair you want. The stuff only grows so fast (yes, there are things you can do to speed the process up....but it still takes time). So you have to have patience.

    3. A little benign neglect goes a long way. Do as little as possible to your hair. Leave it alone. Pin it back, wear headbands and scarves and anything else you can think of to get it out of sight when you hate it. This, for me at least, made #2 a whole lot easier to deal with.

    4. Don't base your entire self-worth on your hair. What I'm going to say next might get rotten fruits thrown at me, but: It's Only Hair. It Grows Back. Your hair doesn't represent your whole life's success or worth. Try not to stress over it.

    5. Make a plan. You know what they say...failing to plan is like planning to fail. Decide what your first milestone is going to be and really commit to it. Don't let anything stand in your way of reaching that milestone. Reward yourself when you reach the milestone, an then reach for the next one. For me, reaching BSL again was a huge milestone for me. It represented a lot of restraint for me. I'm currently resisting a persistent urge to cut fringes.

    6. LHC. Heaps of support and information, and need I say more?

    Good luck on your journey! Keep us posted!
    Islandgrrl - Izzie
    Calf length, heading south to lengths unknown.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Quote Originally Posted by mgirl View Post
    I checked out your photos, you're gorgeous! And I too was expecting worse, it is JUST the back that needs grown out a couple of inches to match up to the front, but you need not do anything to the front until it does. How long will that take.. maybe 3/4 months, less if you're lucky.. and that's no time at all in the grand scheme of things.
    I've been reading alot about miconazole nitrate in the form of monistat/daktarin cream, it speeds up hair growth (x2 for some people)... I'm definately going to look into that, you should too if you haven't already
    I'm very jealous of the healthy hair that you do have. Realistically, all the hair in my head is going to have to go at some point because it's so damaged. It is also considered 'long', which is heartbreaking.

    BDD stands for Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I mean, it's not something that you can diagnose yourself, but for me to give a name to this obssession made me feel less like a crazy woman. I too I VERY emotionally attached to my hair.... overly so. But sorry - I don't mean to go on about myself, I'll post my own thread soon
    But it's interesting, 56% of people with BDD are completely preoccupied with their hair... second only to skin and it's almost twice more common than weight.

    I guess you have to allow your rational side to speak to you. There's something within you that's telling you your hair is going to change things, hair is going to determine happiness and success. It's not... but I understand to be able to grow it out, to get it to a point where you can be happy with it and comfortable with it, that's very important.
    I hope to do the same thing
    Aw, thank you.
    3/4 months isn't bad... here's hoping!
    Hmm, I don't know about miconazole nitrate, but I started taking these hair vitamins a month ago called Hair Formula 37, and while I haven't noticed any radical changes yet, apparently I should soon:

    maybe you could look into it too, but I will definitely let you know if it works effectively for me! I'm sorry that you will have to get rid of most of your hair I guess I should be grateful for the healthy hair I do have. Now make sure you don't colour your hair again *prods*

    I think I have this BDD thing, definitely. Only with my hair though. I so totally definitely keep thinking that if I have long hair, I'll be 80% more happy. Which is ridiculous, right? I have to get rid of that mentality. But yes, I still believe like you said, that having nice hair that you're satisfied with is very important.
    Good luck to you as well and thank you so much for your help + advice. <3

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Chanterelle View Post
    browndaisiesI honestly think your haircut is pretty cool and you're very cute, too. I can see how you may dislike the look from the back but just in a few weeks hair will grow enough to cover the spot where it was shaved off. If you want to keep stylish look while your hair is growing I would suggest getting small trims every 3 months.

    I feel for you - I've been groing my hair from a multi-coloured eccentric assymmentrical haircut.
    thanks for the encouraging reassurance.
    I suppose hair grows quite a bit in 3 months so it wouldn't hurt to get a trim that often.

    Ugh, it's the worst... good luck to you as well!

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Quote Originally Posted by spidermom View Post
    I'm sorry if I'm repeating anything. I haven't read all of the other replies.

    First thing to do is give your scissors to somebody else for safe-keeping. Then if you need them for something like sewing, tie your hair up in a pretty scarf or something before you ask to use the scissors.

    Grow your hair for as long as you can, and when you just can't stand it anymore, go to a hair stylist and ask for a 1/2-inch trim off the very bottom to even things out. Stress that you are growing your hair out and will be very unhappy if she/he cuts more than 1/2 inch. Then pay attention because sometimes stylists space out or something and cut too much. Don't allow that to happen.
    Once I told my mum to hide the scissors from me, and when I was desperate I searched the whole house and found them. LOL, I definitely need to tell mum to do a better job next time. I actually just got a wig today that I ordered online, and I think I'll wear it around the house to stop me from looking at my hair! It's helping so far.

    I think I will do just that, actually. I'll grow it until I can't stand it anymore. Thank you

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Quote Originally Posted by redneckprincess View Post
    Hi welcome, I didnt read any of the other replies but I did check out the pictures. I myself am a recovering hair cutting addict. I say just start popping some BIOTIN pills and grow it out from how it is, trim if you need to later after it starts growing out and has some length to it. and decide then if you think its growing out and looking too choppy, you never know it might look good, Stick around here and, you'll learn some interesting things and im sure your hair will thank you over time ♥
    It's really good to know there are other (recovering) hair cutting addicts out there. Nice to meet you
    I just started taking some Hair Formula 37 vitamins... I really hope they work, does anyone know?

    Thanks, I'm really glad I found this place!

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Please, please, please help (also, am new!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Islandgrrl View Post
    Hi Emma! Welcome!!!

    First, I don't think that your hair looks anywhere near as horrid as you described. I was prepared for some seriously heinous hair in the pictures. And I was relieved!

    It's totally possible to get your hair long and exactly the way you want it. Some of us have started from points much shorter (myself included). There are a couple of things to think about:

    1. Say NO, NO, NO to the scissors. Hide them, give them away, THROW THEM AWAY if you need to. For a good chunk of time. Like a year.

    2. Patience. This is, in my opinion, the biggest obstacle to having the hair you want. The stuff only grows so fast (yes, there are things you can do to speed the process up....but it still takes time). So you have to have patience.

    3. A little benign neglect goes a long way. Do as little as possible to your hair. Leave it alone. Pin it back, wear headbands and scarves and anything else you can think of to get it out of sight when you hate it. This, for me at least, made #2 a whole lot easier to deal with.

    4. Don't base your entire self-worth on your hair. What I'm going to say next might get rotten fruits thrown at me, but: It's Only Hair. It Grows Back. Your hair doesn't represent your whole life's success or worth. Try not to stress over it.

    5. Make a plan. You know what they say...failing to plan is like planning to fail. Decide what your first milestone is going to be and really commit to it. Don't let anything stand in your way of reaching that milestone. Reward yourself when you reach the milestone, an then reach for the next one. For me, reaching BSL again was a huge milestone for me. It represented a lot of restraint for me. I'm currently resisting a persistent urge to cut fringes.

    6. LHC. Heaps of support and information, and need I say more?

    Good luck on your journey! Keep us posted!
    Thank you sooo much for these tips. I feel like I have some kind of formula I can stick to or something, I need to imprint it in my mind.
    You are so right about number 2! But I think your idea for number 3 will really help me, because when I'm not looking at my hair I don't really mind... plus I have lots of nice hats, I should really wear them more.

    "It's Only Hair. It Grows Back. Your hair doesn't represent your whole life's success or worth. Try not to stress over it."
    You're right *hangs head*... I obsess over it way too much. It's good to hear someone say that to knock some sense into me. :P

    Okay, okay, I've made a plan...
    First, I'll aim to grow out the hair at the back of my head.
    And once it's long enough, I'll get a bob-type style (as angelthadiva suggested). I'll make sure it's stylish enough to grow it out from there... and then I'll never touch it til it's long! I hope that's a good enough plan... I'm determined to stick to it now.

    #6- Of course I am sold to this place now.

    Thanks again, all this help has been invaluable.

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