Good Morning! I'm working backwards I guess...replied to a couple of posts before finding I should intro here. I never really thought about my hair growth until people (mostly women) my age kept commenting on the length. I am 47 and my hair is 37 inches reaching to where I guess my tailbone is. Men are usually very complimentary while women have been strangely negative. The comments have ranged from, "when are you going to cut that?" to "don't you think you're too old to wear your hair that long?" That's why I registered here! I was actually thinking about cutting my hair researching by Googling hair styles for older women when I found this site. After reading through some of your posts I've decided not to cut my hair and just let it keep growing. One day recently when I wore it down a nurse at my Doctor's office said, "Honey, I would kill to have your hair and so would every other woman I know our age! None of us can get our hair to grow anymore and it's getting harder as we age, you are so blessed!" She'll never know what she did for my confidence, especially since she said it in front of my Mom who had just reamed me during our drive there saying things like, "you really need to cut that crap and stop wearing black!" Ooh, that had hurt...then the nurse commented while Mom listened and her mouth fell open:-) I love having long hair especially when I know how much joy the sight of it gives my Boyfriend of 10 years!