I don't know why I feel like whining about my hair. It is healthy, the ends feel pretty decent, and it's long by most opinions. But the face-framing bits are not magically all grown out over night, and my bangs are totally messed up from my accidental whack job (and they don't seem to have grown at all since the day they were cut). And why is it that I have had two months this year where I only grew 1/4th of an inch? That's a rip-off, I tell ya! It doesn't feel any longer to me than it did 6 months ago, even though the pictures and measurements say otherwise. It has grown, but just not at a phenomenal rate. I can't ponytail it and wrap it all the way around my head yet, and it doesn't reach my navel in front yet. It's just not LONG enough yet. And why, when I am complaining about it not growing fast enough, am I reading all the lovely accounts of the merits of microtrimming? I am doing a no-trim year for 2014, right? I don't know, when bunzfan trimmed her hair and it looked so awesome afterwards, it makes me want to cut mine, too.

There's more going on here than stuff with my hair, for sure.

I'm feeling the same impatience with my running. I want to be a faster runner, but I don't want to train. I want to lose 5-10 lbs, but I don't want to give up the large portion sizes. I also want to be pregnant, but don't necessarily want another child to be here. I don't know how that makes any sense at all. I'm relieved that the public school year is winding down because it means I no longer have to drive my homeschooling teenage son to his religion class that our church offers during the school year. That has been a daily grind for me. Of course, the kids still have swim team practice every day, and I am the taxi driver for that. I am so far behind on laundry because one of my washers is broken (the new one... the drain pump is broken on it) and the part won't be in until the end of the month. I want to eat nice healthy meals, but don't want to menu plan or pull out frozen meat in time to have it thawed for a meal. What the heck is wrong with me? I can get my hair and make up all done up nice, but no one ever sees it because I am a stay at home mom. I got my toenails done yesterday because a friend is going to school to be a nail technician and I had her give me a pedicure. I don't even care that my toenails are pretty because no one will ever see them. I think I need a month in my pajamas. Yes, that's what I need: pajamas, chocolate, Doritos, and no outside commitments for a month. Then I can jump back into my life again, full-speed. And the hair? Does it even matter? Nothing I have tried has made my growth rate faster, aside from eating lots of protein. Gosh, this is a lot of random rambling about I don't know what. Burnout maybe?

I think it's lack of down-time. The list of stuff I need to do, or should be doing is endless. So I'm checking out a lot of the time because I'm overwhelmed. What does it have to do with my hair? I have no idea. Maybe this wasn't even about my hair. I'm pretty sure it wasn't, lol! But seriously, why can't it grow faster than it does?