My hair is so thin, it looks ridiculous. I watch a lot of hair tutorials that tell you to divide your hair in sections and I think to myself, "My entire head of hair is barely as thick as one of those 3 sections you just made!" If I try to put my hair in a braid or do a half-up/half-down, it looks like I have 20 strands of hair. I usually wear my hair down for this reason, but even then it's obvious how thin it is - doesn't even cover my back. No matter how I try to rearrange it, there are still gaps in there. I want to be able to style it.

I remember being told that I had really thick hair when I was younger, so I don't know if it's just been damaged and it will grow back one day. I found out that I had hypothyroidism 2 years ago, and since getting treated my hair has been shedding considerably less. It used to be so bad I avoided combing my hair because I would have to clean out the comb in between each stroke because each time it would get too clogged with shed hairs to do a second stroke. I'm still pulling out handfuls of hair when I detangle it every morning, but I'm probably losing a normal amount now.

I'm very gentle with my hair and I follow the CG method. My hair loves products with protein. I used to flat iron my hair every day for about 5 years, but I stopped that 4 years ago and now I air dry and don't use heat at all. Never colored or used chemical treatments. I had my hair cut in layers because I was told it would make it look a little thicker, but I feel like it only makes it look worse when you see how tiny the layers are with scraggly ends. I hate giving up length, but I would be willing to go as short as shoulder-length if it meant my hair would look like a normal person's. If I cut it to shoulder-length, would I be able to grow it back out and keep it thick since my hair is healthier now? Or would it still look like this if I grew it out again?