Dear ladies of the Long Hair Community.

In brief I’ve been a fan of long hair since I sat behind a girl in kindergarten with impossibly long braids and fell in love…..:-) I’ve always found long hair on women just so irresistibly sexy and seductively romantic, completely prefer it and always will. I enjoy the whole mystic of long hair and fully recognize its formidable power. I’ve had long hair myself for a few stints in my 20s and again in my 30’s (BSL though I’ve never worn a bra or had the desire to LOL!) so I can definitely relate.

I wanted long hair too from a young age, except I was blessed/cursed with the “pretty” gene…. Pretty looks very good on girls and women but can be a challenge growing up for a boy and even as a younger man. Mercifully, I was able to grow a heavy beard by the early 20’s. In fact, I believe long hair can be extremely manly (on a man; Hell’s Angels, Vikings, knights, etc) and like on girls looks best neat and well kept. Beautiful hair is just that, and is to be admired IMO regardless of the sex of the person.

So in any case, I met my current wife with my thick, single-length hair down past my shoulders and a decent short beard. It was the big 90’s and I wore a lot of black with aviator sunglasses and drove a black on black BMW with a limo tint….dad called my look the “Freeway Killer “ look ROLF! I’m still surprised my later gf, then wifey didn’t run the first time she met me, but some girls like rogues/bad boys and I definitely qualified pre-marriage/pre-family. At the time I was just not interested in nice girls anyway and few nice girls in my experience appreciated long hair on men, so it was win/win.

The wife of course, not long after we hooked up nagged me to cut my hair, which I finally did for a new job and it has not been long for 10 years. That’s my long hair story. Fortunately, the wife still has this beautiful straight natural reddish hair. In fact, it was the first thing that drew me to her the night we met and she’s always kept it long. At one point it was almost to her knees but now it’s basically BSL. Very fortunately, I don’t have to push her not to cut either, as she prefers it long. To this end, she agreed recently upon request to grow it to TBL and I’ve volunteered to help her manage it (even to the point of her annoyance :-).

So that’s what brings me here; to gain insight in long hair care, and support you ladies who wish cultivate your lovely locks, mesmerize your admirers such as myself and bring a little more beauty into a challenging and sometimes ugly world.
