Hi. This is my first post.I would like to thank those who have been here and posted so much good information on their trials and sucesses with henna, indigo, buxus, etc. I have studied and used your ideas to have great results on my hair. Thank you for sharing!
Hoping someone might help me with ideas or experiences.
Has anyone tried locking in buxus/katam with a henna application OVER it? I wonder, if the long time users of henna might have an idea of it working?

2 years ago, I had started with henna on virgin hair. Changed brands and it went to dark on me. So I used drugstore peroxide and bleached out my natural color from under the henna a bit. That was wonderful for a year. But those bleached ends just kept getting blonder.... and the old henna on the blond ends were blaze orange. I decided to try to darken that back to a shade close to my original brown but with the glow of henna= pretty auburn.

I have used katam/buxus 4 times and indigo 2 times in mixes with a bit of henna and some just plain over the existing orange. Works beautifully, but They just dont want to stay. 3 weeks very faded even tho I only cowash. I have read one lady state after many applications katam did finally stick. I was hoping for that.

Had the idea today that maybe a henna gloss or a short timed application of henna OVER the katam/buxus might seal it there? Doesnt henna kind of seal the hair?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!