Hello all!

I have been a very long-term lurker on these forums and have gleamed much knowledge on henna and hair growth. I created an account a little while ago but got distracted with the chaos of life and returned to simple lurker status. And then I decided to bleach the henna out of my hair, followed by an application of a fashion colour (Turquoise, why?!), followed by more bleach and colour remover and semi-permanent dyes. I effectively gave myself a chemical haircut, with strands snapping off en masse, but overall my hair was still okay and just needed a bit of a trim. Instead of going to my local hairdresser, who knows a bit about curly cutting, I decided to have a "treat" and go to the salon director of a very fancy salon. I now have a razor cut, with the shortest parts around chin length and the longest just above shoulder.

Like many others, I have lost a lot of confidence since the haircut (roughly two weeks). I am lucky enough to have a partner who loves me and finds me attractive regardless (he has jumped me while I had my hair wrapped during a henna treatment ), and technically I have a lot on my plate with full time study and a 5 year old so I am trying to forget about my hair a little in the hopes that it will grow while I'm not looking. BUT right now I'm struggling with the lack of heat styling at this length, with my crazy curls going in all directions from the razor cut and would love to document my progress as well as lament my situation with people who will understand and will give awesome advice on how to achieve the hair of my dreams.

My current goal is to grow out my natural colour (naturally ginger/auburn, currently coloured brown) while growing out the razor cut. I will be searching the forums for threads on these topics, especially on growing out the razor without having to cut too much off, but if anyone has any experiences of their own to share then by all means.