Hi all, I'm new (obviously), and I currently have 24.5 inch, BSL hair stretched. Shoulder length when curly. I have, to the best of my knowledge, 3a hair, and have my whole life. My elemntary best friend had super long, straight, shiny glossy hair so that was always my dream- I've accepted I will never have straight, glossy hair but long and shiny are achievable! My goal length is for it to be at classic while curly- I'm not exactly sure how long that will be stretched. I'm 17, American, senior in high school.

Me and my hair have been THROUGH it. I had a stylist who did not know what he was doing bleach my level 2/3 virgin hair platinum in one day when I was 13. He also cut off all my frizz with shears instead of leaving it or conditioning it (?). He colored my hair blue after a week. That was the longest my hair has ever been, it was just above my waist. After that it all broke off and looked awful, so I choped it all in spring 2022 into a bob. Loved it but wanted my hair longer. Grew it out more on accident (my hair grows pretty fast) and let it be until spring 2023 went I had a curly cut. It was fine, but I didn't like the way she did my curls so I started experiment at home and figured out what worked for me. My latest hair cut is where it all went wrong. She cut it dry, then washed it and while it was wet didn;t even look at it, then dried it and charged me $110 ?!! Recently I straightened it for the first time since and realized what an AWFUL job she had done. One side is longer than the other, my 'face framing pieces' are bluntly chopped longer than the rest of my hair and form a right angle, and my layers look like a chunk was taken out of the top half of my hair and there is a harsh line between the longest and the rest of it. After that I decided no more haircuts for me! I'm ding it myself.

Sorry for the long hair history, but, you know
Thanks for having me! I hope to grow a lot here