Hello all. I found my way here researching henna for hair. I hennaed once, about 15 years ago, and while I liked it, I didn't stick with it. I also see that the science around henna has come a long ways since then. I have always favored being a redhead (I am a natural darker brunette). But I haven't used anything (colorwise) other than arctic fox in about 4 years.

I got a perm about 2 years ago, with 2 root perms, my latest approx 6 months ago. I got the perm to mimic my natural wave pattern, and I found it much easier to work with and have consistent results. Prior to that I did the curly girl method for about 3 years, having my best results at the beginning of my CG journey (which also coincided with my lovely, full postpartum mane). I was never able to recreate that early CG success, and I think it must have me the hormones that altered the hair which grew during the pregnancy. I was beautiful.

Alas, It has thinned a lot, but it's not thin. I wore it long for several years (long by my standards, which is bra strap, and not long by many of the standards here). I cut it between chin and shoulder length about 6 months ago, but it hasn't been trimmed since (except for the accidental too large chunk I cut out this morning to strand test some henna). Even with the perm (my stylist chose a more gentle formula) my hair appears shiny and healthy, but I think I will give the perms up, and just let my hair do what it wants. (Also have read that hennaing and perms may not play well together. I am considering an even shorter cut, to get ride of all the hair that has the perm left in it, which would give me a short bob with short layers.

Anyway, if you read all my ramblings, thank you and I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend!