- Got incredibly bored by being nice to my hair, not bleaching it, using only henna and doing tonnes of nice stuff to it . . it looked like this:

so I did this;

I'm a bit in love with it atm, so excuse big nr of pics .

In the future, I think it Will work to only bleach roots a little bit with weak bleach, diluted, then to dye with nice one component hair dye and I could still grow my hair long . .

Does anyone do this ?
Has it worked ?

It makes sense, I'm just worried, still . Sigh !

Atomic Pink by Special Effects . It is Amaaazing IRL !

Decided to still grow my hair to my tailbone, just only bleach roots lightly and use the one component vegan hair dye/stain . Shouldn't be too bad, also I will be much happier this way heh . -
What do you think ?

Before I bleached, I put coconut oil in it, made it wet, put in conditioner, left it in, let it dry half ways, then when I bleached it had NO signs of damage !
I was expecting half of it to fall off, speaking from bleaching experience, it usually damages my hair A Lot .